Wanting to take some air and avoid crowds ...
I'm sharing with you 7 little hidden heavens of the capital: Coulée Verte, Jardin naturel, jardin Joseph Migneret...
Ping-pong: an easy to access sport that brings together the whole family around a table :-)
Take your rackets, here is the list of parks in Paris that have a ping pong tables!
I spotted forests to pick up lily of the valley everywhere in Ile de France: Meudon, St Cloud, Versailles, Rambouillet, Ferrieres, Chantilly ...
A beautiful family ride in perspective!
And why not taking advantage of it to make a hut in the woods ? ;-)
What a sunbeam and an energy boost it is to admire these beautiful blooming trees...
I spotted several places everywhere in Ile de France ... There should be one near you ...
When Street Art revives restaurants, make small traders headlead at the cinema and that Mika restores colours in Paris
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